Unlock exclusive membership privileges with Club Access from Megaworld Hotels & Resorts, available at Belmont Hotel Manila. Enjoy extraordinary perks and discounts while experiencing the best of Philippine hospitality.
Exclusive Discounts Indulge in exceptional rates and deals throughout your stay.
Dining Perks:
Savor unlimited dining discounts at our restaurants, pool bars, and lounges.
Seamless Booking:
Easily book your stay and activities through the Club Access mobile app.
Early Member Access:
Receive notifications for exclusive offers and benefits.
Join Us
Embrace the opportunity to enjoy remarkable experiences at Belmont Hotel Manila and beyond.
For inquiries,
call +63 (02) 5 310 1611 - 1612 or email [email protected].
Download the Club Access App today and elevate your stay in any Megaworld Hotels & Resorts properties!
Savor the Belmont Life

Your Home Away From Home